Definition Of Maintenance- Its Software, Types, And Responsibility


Definition Of Maintenance

The Set of activities that aim to maintain a section or restore it state in which it can carry out the required function.
The set of actions that aim to maintain an article or restore it to a state of correct operation is term as maintenance. And it carried out the moment it was damaged.
It has suffered some breakage made it need pertinent maintenance and repair.

Efforts Need To Obtain

The maintenance, restoration action usually involves not only technical but also administrative activities.

Software Installation

Software that allows you to manage and store all the information related to maintenance
As a consequence, a large number of elements and products that must maintain within a company or institution.
A software product has a design that allows managing and storing all the information related to maintenance. This situation occurs more than anything in large industries as large industrial complexes, or shipping companies.
This software is a great help for engineers and technicians who work in the maintenance area of any of these industries. Because it helps them reduce time and costs, as well as being essential to improve service and communication between those legs involved in the process.
Besides, through this program, you can manage projects and plan them. And can carry out its histories, and also record several series of parts and materials, among other issues.

Types of Maintenance

Now, we can find two kinds of support,  conservation and preventive maintenance


It will have the mission of compensating for the damage that occurs in equipment as a consequence of its use or the action of any other agent that may affect deterioration.
What will this type of maintenance do?
Is act precisely on the damaged element, correcting or replacing it with a new one so that the device in question can continue to use.
Meanwhile, this maintenance can carry out as soon as the problem is detected or when it has identified.


It characterized by being one that anticipates any problem that may arise on the equipment and machinery. So, in this sense, it is that it carries out controls, relays, to follow the operation and thus anticipate a malfunction or breakage.

The Maintenance Area Responsible For Compensating Breakages

In many companies likes equipment and machinery, in organizations or educational or health centers these area is responsible
It is common for there to be a maintenance area.
That will precisely be in charge of the control and surveillance of all the equipment that use in it.
And when a malfunction occurs in its mission will be to act immediately to recover that damaged equipment or device.
In many of these places that we mention, the equipment or machines tend to have high relevance in daily work.
In case if anyone suffers any damage, it will negatively impact the proper functioning and activity of the organization or company.
The maintenance area must always be attentive to everything
They must have the necessary technical resources to be able to intervene whenever they are needed.