How YouTube Marketing is Like Social Media Marketing


If you want to be an online marketing professional, you have to see social media marketing and YouTube marketing as two sides of the same coin. Your goal is for a seamless content creation strategy which equally engages audiences on YouTube and social media.

YouTube Marketing is Like Social Media Marketing

There are seven main areas where you can work on this. I will show them to you, with clear examples. Your social media and video marketing will both benefit from this as both grow, and both will deepen your customer’s interactions with your brand.

YouTube marketing is similar to social media marketing!

Your YouTube video trailer

Your first step is to think of YouTube itself as social media. You have the chance to let your first-time viewers know what you’d like them to do, and what you’d like them to do is subscribe to your channel. People buy YouTube views to get more eyes on the video trailer.

This first place you’ll do this is in the trailer you will create for your channel to be shown to non-subscribers. You’re using a status update, the video, as a call to action. Here’s an example from Jimmy Fallon:

It’s funny, it’s speaking directly to the viewer, and it has a very, very clear call to action: Subscribe! Once someone subscribes they’re going to come back again and again when you have new content, operating a lot like social media rather than SEO-based video marketing.

Share your knowledge

While statistics and information sharing can be dry, you’re free to make them as exciting as you wish. Your potential customers want to know that you’re knowledgeable so that they can trust you. Showing your industry knowledge is the key to this.

Here’s an example from Perdisco, textbook manufacture, as they share some of the basic information and knowledge which they offer:

Exciting for the average viewer? Nope. Exciting for someone who is looking for information about that exact product? Yep! These types of videos are great social shares as anyone who shares it is educating their friends about the topic as well.

Customer testimonials are incredibly social

If you’re not filming a few customer testimonials now and then you’re missing out on some great content. Your real customers, shot in your store without a studio or makeup team, can help convince viewers to become customers too. As social beings, we want to hear other people telling us if we should trust something or not. And when we do see someone that we relate to, talking about how great a product is, we’re more likely to buy the product.

Your customers talking about who they are is important. I just identified with this guy, as I love video games too. Even if I didn’t identify with video games, or if he didn’t even mention them, just talking about his position gives him a type of social proof that will help make sales.

YouTube marketing and social media marketing are the same

Integrating social media marketing concepts into your YouTube marketing will lead to you having more followers on both YouTube and social media. Having the YouTube botting tools will provide more benefits to reach your target goal. Your audience will reward you with deeper engagement levels, more shares, and everything that comes with having more brand ambassadors flying your flag.

The whole point of being online is to be social, not to be advertised to. As ad-blockers become more powerful, being a friend to your customers is the way forward.