Does Your Content Have the Right Density of Keywords for Perfect SEO


It can be a worrying scenario for brand owners when they do not get a good traffic count. This mostly happens when their key pages or social media accounts are not beefed with fresh readable content every now and then. Simply changing the website content without focusing on quality is nothing but silly thinking. If you replace a junk blog post with another substandard one, no difference would be created. People would ignore both the posts without trying to figure out the difference between them. Keyword density is a strong constituent which impacts the performance of an online brand in several ways. With the help of online SEO tools, you can find out the actual density ratio of keywords in your written article. It reduces the count of traffic and interest level of targeted buyers. In a conclusive manner, it can be said that the correct keyword density is integral for getting the finest business results.

Right Density of Keywords for Perfect SEO Optimization

Is counting the keywords the best way out?

How would determine whether a keyword density of 3% has been retained in a product manual or not?  Adopting the conventional way is obviously not the best one. Once you are done with writing, count the number of times the targeted keyword has been used. This means spending a long span unnecessarily.

  • Consider that the permissible density of the keyword “gymnastics” is 2% in the web page content of 1000 words. This means that the targeted word should not occur more than 20 times. If the presences are more than 20, it would be rated as an example of stuffing.
  • Manually counting keywords has two serious negative points. As it is mentioned above, a lot of time is needed to get the count. Not counting accurately is another risk attached. Anything which is done manually has accuracy problems attached with it. Keyword density calculation is not an exception. For instance, if you are reading through 1000 words, there is always a chance of skipping few lines. If any of them has the required keyword, the overall density would not be determined correctly. This obviously does not happen when you are using an online tool to determine keyword density.

Keyword stuffing reduces website rank

In the present time, there is serious competition between websites falling in similar categories. One wrong move and you would see the traffic being diverted to a competitor website. This obviously means that one of your rivals would gulp down your share of business. This problem is initiated with keyword stuffing. Let us go through the following points to attain more simplicity.

  • People generally do not bother to go beyond the first page of results on Google, Yahoo or any other search engine. The reason is that the top rated websites rank on the first page. Why are they ranked higher than their competitors? In a nutshell, they follow all the search engine guidelines and do everything in the right manner. None of these websites have abnormal keyword usage in their content. This is because it is not a legitimate way to drive traffic. Severe search engine penalties are applied on such websites.
  • The rank of a website carries immense importance. Links which occupy the first page get the maximum clicks. This simply means that they have more visitors going through the home page and other content sections as well. If your website does not have correct densities, it would not get a good Google rank. In this way, its traffic rate would go down. This means that the brand would earn less business. Quality content on the other hand is a strong factor that helps in earning high business profits.

Serious buyers do not go beyond the first page

Have you ever counted the number of results displayed on the screen when you type a search? Most of us would give no for an answer because these results are very large in number so counting them is out of the question. However, people mostly restrict to the first page of results so that less time is spent. The other reason is that the strongest websites have high ranks. Websites which get ranked on the first page are considered to be the best. This is why they have the maximum count of visitors coming their way. In other words, they earn more profits than the links not present on the first page.

To get your site ranked on the first page among the top results, make sure that the written content does not lack anything. If you have implemented the correct strategy, there would be no problems in getting the right traffic count. Using keywords with the correct ratio is one thing you need to pay attention to. if you have access to a good keyword counter, it would be easy to get the correct keyword count. More than anything, this is a time saving component as no manual counting will be required.

Which keywords do you need to include? Where should they be placed? This is another important aspect which you have to pay attention to. Writers have to focus on these areas as well. Hence, spending time on counting specific words in the content wastes a lot of time. A good tool not only saves time but helps in generating correct counts.

Summing it Up

At times, websites lose ranks but the owners simply fail to figure out the specific reason. Keyword stuffing is one of the prime factors which bring down the rank of a website. How can you be sure that the keywords in the content have been inserted naturally with the right density? The best way to do this is using an online tool.  A proper keyword density checker runs through the content and produces the count of keywords present. If the density is beyond the required limit, you simply have to reduce the word count to eliminate stuffing.

These checkers are used online so users do not have to go through installation manuals. Simply browse the tool on your smartphone, tablet or computer and the density of words in the content will be checked.