Cyber-Security For Small Business By Marketing2Business


Small businesses are the spine of every nation’s economy, contributing up to approximately 44% of the national Gross Domestic Product. With the increasing rate of cyber security, there is a need for small business enterprises to keep check of their defenses so that they are always on the safer side from bad actors and risks arising from cyber security-related issues.

As Verizon’s 2019 study indicates, 43% of all cyber breaches are reported on small businesses. Some of the mistakes committed by these small businesses resulting in their exposure to cyber security include:

Basic Mistakes Committed By Small Business

Basic Mistakes Committed By Small Business They Are:

  1. Exposing their Admin Account Details

Giving many people access to admin accounts can lead to threats of hacking. This can be dealt with by providing these credentials to a few necessary people.

  1. Use of Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi puts small businesses into the risk of attacks by malware. Bad actors trick users of the Wi-Fi into downloading some apps which are spoof.

It is very critical to secure your small businesses against cyber threats, even though it takes some of the business resources away and management time. Some of the affordable solutions to cybersecurity that are also simple to apply to include the use of FireEye Network Security (NX) + Email Threat Prevention Cloud (ETP).

The following advantages are attributed to this solution of Cyber Crime:

advantages are attributed to this solution of Cyber Crime

  •  i. Boosting your Available Cyber Defense:

Modern crimes have become a nuisance to small businesses, leading to close to 60% of players in the small business sector, leaving the company within less than six months of their entrance into the industry. Since large organizations are well updated on security issues and have adequate funds to boost their businesses.

The small business enterprises remain the target for attack by the cybercrime players, especially those transacting with larger organizations. Use of FireEye Network Security + ETP will be helpful to small businesses. It’s designed in such a technique that it blocks after detecting email-based and web-based attacks. All these are done at a manageable cost and without any stress on your existing security resources.

  •  ii. Specifically Designed for Small Growing Business

The solution accommodates all the types of growing enterprises, despite how small its IT department is. Network Security + ETP Solution will still be able to advance the security of your enterprise even if it contains minimal resources and that your team is still growing.

The Network Security + ETP Solution is timesaving as its deployment is timesaving. It takes only sixty minutes or less to put up this service. It is easily compatible with the existing security of your business enterprise. It does not have specific requirements for the current safety of your business.

Another exciting thing about Network Security + ETP solution is that you do not need to keep on turning it so that it blends with your existing security. You only need to install it, and it will automatically upgrade your software.

  •   iii. Ability to Stop Advanced Threats

In recent research done by FireEye, it was discovered that 100% of victims of cybercrimes had their virus signatures up to date.

Cyber threats that are unique such as ransomware and spear-phishing emails are easily thwarted by the Network Security + ETP Solution resulting in a smoothly running organization without risks and disruptions.

  •  iv. Ability to Stop Customized Attacks

Certain attacks are targeted for a specific organization. These attacks are customized to the targeted organization. Network Security + ETP solution is, however, able to stop it.

Within your organization, there are various ways you can stop cyber crime threats.

7 Effective Ways You Can Stop Cyber Crime Threats in You Business

7 Effective Ways You Can Stop Cyber Crime Threats in You Business:

  1. Offering Training

Employees need to be updated on security measures. Employees contribute significantly to cybercrime cases in an organization. Some do it without knowledge. They, therefore, need to be educated on the security measures to the organization’s information.

  1. Assessing the Position of the Organization

The organization needs to be evaluated to determine where it stands in security issues and taking appropriate steps.

  1. Regular Backing Up of Files

Cyber-attacks interfere with the organization’s files, deleting some and manipulating others. Backing up will act as a safety measure.

  1. Installation of Antivirus Software

This will protect your devices from viruses. Antivirus does not only protect against viruses but also clean up your computer, enhancing efficiency.

  1. Setting Up Firewall

It provides a wall between cyber attackers and your organizational data. It, therefore, prevents the attackers from reaching your information.

  1. Keep Essential Security Documents

It has been a norm for small businesses to operate by mouth. It is essential to document security policies and protocols.

  1. Enhance the Usage of Safe Password

It is important to use passwords that are safe for your business. It is recommended to keep changing your passwords. Passwords can be stolen and give the attacker access to your data. If you keep changing passwords, the attacker may not be able to detect your current password.

Also, communication between web browsers needs to be encrypted, and hence there is a requirement to install an SSL Certificate. This certificate will enhance the encryption of your web browser information with other browsers.


As noted earlier, there has been an increase in the cases of cybercrimes targeting small business ventures. These have left many small businesses with huge losses and distorted their reputation. It is a high time that small businesses ought to install necessary mechanisms to help in curbing the menace of cybercrimes.