Look at the Demographics:Who Are Co-working Spaces Most Suitable For?


Engaging in most kinds of white-collar work used to require heading to a conventional office, but that is no longer the case at all. Many professionals today find that so-called “Co-working space” facilities suit their needs better than the average office.

Co-working is not necessarily for everyone, even if it is an especially flexible option. A quick look at the kinds of people and organizations that most often find co-working spaces welcoming could be useful.

A Comfortable Versatile Place to Work

A Comfortable, Versatile Place to Work

People who contribute to the modern, knowledge-based economy tend to need relatively little in the way of physical support. With computers holding vast amounts of information, for instance, professionals are no longer tied to huge banks of filing cabinets or shelves stacked with reference books.

That alone can make a Coworking Space an appealing option, since having a permanent, established office is no longer so important. Since spaces dedicated to coworking tend to be designed to make work both productive and pleasant, more and more are inclining in this direction.

Several Types of Workers Most Often Find Co-working Spaces Appealing

While tradespeople and artisans might still need warehouses and workshops, knowledge workers can often afford to become more flexible. Some of the kinds of workers and businesses who most often find co-working suitable are:

  • Contract programmers. The first coworking spaces that the world ever saw attracted a disproportionate number of independent computer programmers. Software engineers who move from one contract to the next still flock to co-working centers everywhere. Most programmers find that simply having a laptop and an internet connection keeps them productive. Co-working spaces that add a bit of atmosphere and plenty of amenities can help keep the often-solitary work of programming from feeling too stifling.
  • Creative freelancers. From designers and creative directors to writers and videographers, co-working spaces often suit creative types very well, too. Choosing to clock in at a coworking space each day can help ward off the procrastination that so many freelancers struggle with. At the same time, a popular co-working space will be more stimulating and inspiring than most alternatives.
  • Professional service providers. Even attorneys, accountants, and buttoned-up professionals increasingly see the value in co-working spaces. Some use coworking spaces to supplement existing offices, with a membership allowing a professional service provider to better serve an additional city. Not every lawyer or architect inclines toward being so forward-thinking, but the ranks of those who do have been growing steadily.
  • Virtual assistants. Professionals of many kinds now depend heavily on the services of internet-based assistants who handle sundry tasks. Many virtual assistants choose to work from coworking facilities to remain motivated and focused while also having access to networking opportunities.
  • Startup and small-business employees. Coworking is not just for individuals; whole companies can just as well show up. Many coworking facilities, in fact, are laid out to accommodate entire teams or even businesses. Renting space in a coworking facility can be a great way to enable growth for a company with a lot of potentials.

Coworking is Definitely Here to Stay

For many professionals of these kinds and others, co-working space has become the norm instead of an exotic-seeming option. Choosing to work from a coworking facility will normally mean combining the advantages of a conventional office with a lot more flexibility and exposure to the wider world. As a result, more and more people find that heading off to a co-working space location ends up being the best way to start each weekday.