The Science Behind Making Sales: 3 Crucial Parts of a Sales Funnel


Selling something is so much more than having a good product or service and a fair price in exchange for it. Somehow, you have to successfully market that product or service to even get people to know it exists, let alone, want to make a purchase. Now, that’s the hard part of being in sales.That’s why there’s a thing called a sales funnel. If you’re new to the concept, creating an effective sales funnel can be a little confusing at first. But in the end, it makes plenty of sense.

3 Crucial Parts of a Sales Funnel

Below are some of the many important aspects every good, high-quality, successful sales funnel should contain. (And, yes, we’re suggesting you include these items as part of your own funnel!)

1. Targeting the Right Audience

Not only do you need to bring in traffic to your website, but you need to ensure you’re luring in the right audience. This means you should be targeting people of a relevant age, gender, location, and the like in relation to the product or service you offer.

When you have the right audience, you can garner the most clicks, reduce the bounce rate on your website, and even fill your funnel with qualified leads as your audience won’t be full of a bunch of irrelevant, uninterested people.

2. Great, Fresh Content

Nobody likes stale, boring content. Yuck; I’d rather you gag me with a spoon!

If you really want to attract people to your product or service, you have to provide unique and enticing content that you know they’ll love. This can be in the form of fun social media posts, blog articles, newsletters, podcasts, or whatever form of content you prefer to deliver.

It may, though, take some trial and error to find out what sort of content it is that your target audience seems intrigued by. Once you find out what they enjoy, you can continue to curate that content to bring in more traffic, and eventually, sales.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

No matter what anybody tells you, search engine optimization or SEO is perhaps the basis of receiving online sales. You may not want to believe it; you may even wish it weren’t true. Luckily, SEO is free to implement, that is, unless you use a paid SEO tool or hire an SEO expert to get the work done.

Anywho, SEO is a vital part of a sales funnel as it helps improve the visibility of your website. How can you receive leads if nobody knows your website exists? Through proper SEO implementation, thousands of people will be able to successfully come across your website. It’s like magic, really.


Being in sales isn’t always easy. It requires someone who is proactive and persistent in their sales strategy. You probably already know that by now, though.

To help make the process of making sales more efficient, many marketing experts would recommend using a sales funnel. When implementing a funnel for your business, the latter three things are some of the most integral components to include if you wish to have the most success.