Why API Integration Is Important Strategy for Your Ecommerce Business


To stay competitive in the ecommerce industry, you need to employ various strategies. However, if you’re unable to hit your monthly sales target lately, your current strategies might not be effective or are lacking. One way to up your game is through API (Application Programming Interface) integration. While this may sound technical, APIs are just like connector codes or ready-built software that can be integrated with your ecommerce website to perform automated and more efficient functions.

API Integration Is Important Strategy for Your Ecommerce Business

For example, your new ecommerce website doesn’t have an automated ordering and shipping system. But by partnering up with successful 3PL companies or third-party logistics providers, you can automate your shipment processes. Most 3PL companies today have built their own shipping API, allowing them to be automatically notified whenever someone orders from your shop. This prompts them to pick, pack, and deliver the items to their destination while providing real-time tracking status. With API integration, you can eliminate the need for building your own automation systems from the ground up.

Since you already have a glimpse of API integration, here are the other reasons why you need to adopt this strategy for your ecommerce business:

Different types of API integration.

Aside from shipping APIs, you can automate and improve a lot of your ecommerce website’s functions using different types of APIs. Depending on your website’s needs, you may integrate product information, catalog, site search, login, cart, payment, sales tax, social proof, price comparison, and marketing automation APIs. If you are a non-techie individual, you can let your developer handle all your desired API integrations.

Provides digestible data.

API integration often provides digestible data that your company can easily analyze. Depending on the APIs that you use, you can export various forms of data concerning inventory control, order fulfillment, sales statistics, and other key metrics. Based on your collected data, you and your staff can make better decisions and use it in improving your company’s sales tactics.

Allocates resources to other functions.

The best-selling point of API integration is automation. It helps eliminate most of your manual administrative tasks, allowing you to allocate your resources to more important functions such as marketing, sales, or building customer relations. By helping you and your staff focus on more important tasks, you’ll be able to develop and expand your ecommerce business to gain more profit.

Prevents errors.

Sticking to manual processes predisposes your company to make errors. This is especially true when there is an increase in demand for your products. The manual processing of orders and shipments can be overwhelming, resulting in poor delivery fulfillment and low customer satisfaction. But with the integration of the right APIs, you can effectively manage your business processes and minimize creating errors.

Improves customer experience.

API integration also allows you to improve customer experience. It helps you collect vast amounts of data regarding your customers’ preferences and behavior. For example, analytics APIs allow you to see what types of devices your customers are using such as mobile phones and computers. Depending on your gathered data, you can enhance your ecommerce website and make it more user-friendly for both mobile-users and PC-users. With a positive website and mobile experience, your customers are more likely to keep coming back.

Having a successful ecommerce business also depends on your ability to adapt. Though your current strategies are working for you, they might be ineffective in the near future. While getting your business online is already one big step, you also need to be updated on the latest strategies that can benefit your business. With API integration, you’ll be able to outrank your competition as long as you’re correctly using them.