5 Ways to Bring Value to Your Business Database


Business database – How do brands and companies who have been in the game for years maintain a loyal customer base, and stay top of mind above their competitors? They invest in customer nurture, and make that a central part of everything they do.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is spending more money and effort on winning new customers without putting focus on maintaining relationships with customers who have already bought from them. You’ll actually get more business by nurturing repeat customers, and they will also refer you to their friends and family, and that will stabilize your business database.

So how do you bring value to your business database, here are some ideas!

Create a Gazette

Imagine if your business was able to publish its own magazine that you could send to your sphere of influence and even potential clients. Well, you actually can! Some of the most successful real estate salespeople put out magazines or gazettes that get delivered right to their customers’ mailboxes. You can use the gazette to establish yourself as an authority in your niche, sharing your expertise, and giving them a lot of value to make their lives better. You can work with professional printers like the Rex 3 Commercial Printing company to get high quality prints that will really wow your readers and make them want more copies. They create great printed products for every step of the customer journey, including keeping the loyalty of the clients who already know, like and trust you.

Make Them Part of Your Creative Decisions

People feel more like a part of a community when their voices are heard. If you have a database of hundreds of people, you can achieve this through very simple measures. Give people the opportunity to take part in polls and votes so that they feel like they are part of building your brand. If you’re changing your branding and graphics, get a few options made and then ask them to vote on the ones they like. If you’re naming a product, ask for their input and go with what they suggest. It shows them that you value what they have to say, and they feel a stronger sense of belonging and that will make them more loyal.

Start a Facebook Group

Facebook groups are another way successful brands give value to the people in their orbit. From Reddit to YouTube, communities are such a big part of the marketing world today, and Facebook makes it so easy to start one. A Facebook group can really give people a sense of belonging without you spending a lot of money. When you start a Facebook group, make sure it’s a place where people can have conversations with each other, and where they can feel heard and understood. Answer their questions, and provide solutions to their problems. You will absolutely win their loyalty!

You can create a Facebook group around your brand, or around your city or neighborhood. You can also create a community that’s more wide reaching by making it about your niche, whether that’s flipping homes or crafting.

Send Them a Gift

 Everyone loves free things, so why not give your customers and clients something great and unexpected? If you want to make someone’s day, and really make them feel special, send them a lovely item. There are so many ideas that many businesses have tried and have had success with including;

  • A free meal that they can enjoy with their families
  • A voucher that they can use to do something nice for themselves
  • A good book that will make their lives better

The key is getting something that perfectly aligns with your brand while still being something that will make someone feel valued when they receive it.

Give Them a Call

Sometimes the best ways to bring value to people is to do the most simple things, like giving them a call to see how they’re doing. In a world where people are so busy with their lives, taking the time to check in with someone will really make them feel like you care. It doesn’t even have to be a long call, it’s just a gesture that shows that you’ve been thinking of them and that they are important to you. You won’t go wrong with just trying to connect with people.

Remember it’s equally important to nurture your existing clients while you also generate new leads and customers. If you nurture your existing customers correctly, you might not need to rely on new customers so much, and your business might become more predictable and stable.