5 Ways Your Business can Utilise a Company Brochure


Nothing extends the reach of a company and its product range quite like a brochure does. What else, other than a glossy compendium of visual evidence,can inform your potential customer base about what you do in such a clear and exciting manner?

Of course, it’s 2020, and so that means the majority of businesses are using branding services to create brochures in an online capacity, via a series of mail links and URL shares. In saying this, however, many people have the agency develop both online and print versions to render a physical brochure as well.

After all, nothing compares to the tactility encountered by holding a brochure in your hands, turning the pages and having a general leaf through a pick-up-put- down tangible commodity. There’s also that incomparable scent associated with printed material that can never be recreated in virtual form!

Customers like to connect with something physical in this often-disconnected world

The inescapable truth is that people like reading in print, which is a good thing. According to research recently conducted, people readily admit to recalling more of the content when they read in print than when they have viewed content online.

In this blog, we explore 5 ways your business can utilise a company brochure.

1. Image sells.

Image sells, which means that design sells. The colours, images and layout of your brochure are the very first thing your potential new customers will notice. So, it’s hugely important to make that first impression count by using colours that are on brand and images that accurately represent and reflects what your business is about.

2. Tell it to them straight.

Don’t hold back! Explain, albeit succinctly yet informatively, exactly what it is your business does and the action you’d like them to complete. A brief’About’ section at the front of a brochure is the section where the customer can obtain essential information about your company. In a few words, it might be the only opportunity you have to sell your ideas/product/service to them.

3. Be clear about what your company can do for potential customers

In other words, be clear on the benefits! This part of the brochure focuses on communicating the benefits that your product/service provides, something every consumer needs to know before making a purchase. Don’t get bogged down with the ‘what’ aspect of your business, though. Instead, up-sell the ‘for what’ that the customer will perceive.Dedicate this page to what your product does to meet their specific needs, or how it will provide solutions to their problems.

4. Reviews are king

No, really, they are. Just look at the impact Google Reviews and Trust Pilot have had… Let’s be real, who doesn’t scroll to review sections online when attempting to choose between one thing and another? Be it a new car, a hotel or an insurance company. Physical company brochures need to offer the same ‘peace of mind’ approach to gaining a would-be customer’s trust from the out set.

5. The actual printing side

Last but by no means least, ensure that true professionals manage the printing of your brochure to guarantee quality. You could have the best images, the strongest call-to-actions and an abundance of positive reviews, but without the expert help of booklet makers like Duplo International, it’ll all be in vain.