How Term Insurance Riders Help in Enhancing Coverage While Saving on Taxes?


Insurance Riders: Are you looking for an investment option that provides financial coverage to your loved ones and helps you save on taxes? Look no further than term insurance. Term insurance is a type of life insurance that offers coverage for a specific period, or ‘term’, and it can significantly reduce your tax burden. This blog post will explore how term insurance riders can enhance your coverage while providing tax-saving benefits.

Tax Saving Investments: Term Insurance Riders Enhance Coverage and Lower Taxes

Let’s start by understanding the basics of term insurance and its tax saving investments. A term insurance plan is designed to provide financial coverage to the policyholder’s dependents in the event of their untimely demise. Unlike traditional life insurance policies, term plans offer more affordable and flexible premiums.

Regarding term plan tax benefits, the Indian government has introduced several provisions under the Income Tax Act to encourage individuals to invest in life insurance. These deductions help policyholders lower their taxable income and save money on taxes every year that their term plan remains active. Whether you choose a term plan for yourself or your family, your premium payments are eligible for these tax deductions.

Benefits of Term Insurance Tax Saving Investments

Term insurance plans have several provisions allowing policyholders to claim deductions for premium payments. Taking advantage of these deductions can reduce your taxable income and save on yearly taxes. Now, let’s dive into the specific tax deductions that can reduce your taxable income through term insurance:

  1. Section 80C: One of the most commonly availed deductions under the Income Tax Act. According to Section 80C, the premium payments made towards life insurance policies, including term plans, are eligible for deduction from your overall income. You can claim deductions up to Rs. 1.5 lakh in a financial year under this section. Both individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) can benefit from this deduction.
  2. Section 10 (10D): The primary purpose of a term insurance policy is to provide financial security to your dependents in case of your unfortunate demise. The amount your beneficiaries receive, known as the death benefit, is completely exempt from tax under Section 10 (10D). This exemption also applies to the maturity amount received at the end of a term plan with a money-back feature.
  3. Section 80D: This allows tax benefits on health insurance premiums. You can claim deductions under this section by adding a critical illness cover or any health-related rider to your term plan. The combined deduction allowed under Sections 80C and 80D can help you save significantly on taxes.

Situations Where Term Insurance Riders Increase Coverage

The tax saving investments benefits make term insurance an attractive investment option for individuals across different life stages. Let’s explore specific scenarios where term insurance riders can enhance coverage while offering tax benefits.

Your Child’s Education

Imagine you’re planning for your child’s education 15 years down the line. A term insurance policy with a rider can serve as a dual-purpose tool, providing life cover while growing your investment. Let’s say you opt for a ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan) rider, which allows you to invest a portion of your premium in market-linked funds. This investment has the potential to grow over time, providing you with higher returns compared to traditional savings options.

Additionally, the premiums you pay towards the term insurance and ULIP riders are eligible for deduction under Section 80C. By investing in a term insurance plan with riders, you secure your child’s future and enjoy tax savings on your investments.

Securing Your Retirement

As you plan for retirement, ensuring that you have adequate financial protection for yourself and your spouse becomes crucial. Choosing a term insurance policy with a retirement income rider can enhance your coverage while saving on taxes.

Consider an example where you invest in a term insurance plan that offers a regular income payout during your retirement years. This income stream provides you with financial security after you stop working. The premiums paid towards this policy are eligible for deduction under Section 80C, reducing your taxable income and allowing you to save taxes while building a retirement corpus.

If you’re considering term insurance to secure your family’s financial future and save on taxes, use a term insurance calculator to assess your needs and explore various options available in the market.


Term insurance provides financial coverage and peace of mind and helps you save on taxes. By availing of term insurance riders, you can enhance your coverage while enjoying tax-saving benefits through deductions under Section 80C and Section 10 (10D). You save significantly on taxes with the combined deduction under Sections 80C and 80D. Remember, when it comes to tax-saving investments like term insurance, you can consult a financial advisor or insurance expert who can guide you based on your specific requirements and goals. Invest wisely and build a financially secure future for yourself and your loved ones.