What Is Mean By Profitable? Find Some Significant Elements.


Profitable is that which yields a profit or benefit periodically. The concept is linked to revenue (renewable income that yields a capital) and profitability (which produces a sufficient income or remuneration).

Revenue, therefore, is the interest that is found from something. It is again, a value, or a profit that is produced by capital. Something profitable is what gives revenue (produces a profit). If a person invests 10,000 dollars in a business that offers a monthly profit of 2,000 dollars, it can be said that it is a profitable venture, since in only five months it will recover the investment and then it will bring benefits.

The same can be said of a plan that requires an expense of 1,000 pesos a month to obtain profits of 1,800 pesos in the same period. This project will be profitable and will provide periodic utilities.


On the other hand, if a subject must work twelve hours a day in a business that provides a monthly profit of 200 pesos, this activity will be unprofitable because the benefits are minimal and the demands are very great.

Specifically, within the business scope, a large number of elements is established that is essential to take into account or develop to make any business profitable.

However, among the most significant are the following:

  • It is essential to have a leader who is in charge of directing it correctly, being clear about the objectives you want to achieve and the plans you want to achieve as well as the target audience.
  • In the same way, it is essential to have a perfectly qualified and prepared staff that provides a good service, that is motivated, and that contributes to the growth of the company.
  • The tasks must be done in a coordinated, organized, and with the necessary resources so that they can be carried out in the most effective, efficient, and safe way.
  • It is essential to bet on teamwork. When it comes to companies that have different employees, it is vital that the values ​​of unity and unity are exalted. This is one of a way it be possible to make any business profitable.

Offer great value for money, develop elements that allow to differentiate from the rest of competitors that exist in the sector, participate actively in what is the market, carry out solid marketing or advertising proposals, as well as bet on productivity, are other of the basic recommendations to get any company to become profitable. Only by developing these initiatives, and some others that follow those same lines, can a successful business be achieved.

The notion of profitable, in any case, is subjective since not all people have the same idea as to what revenue is logical or adequate. In a strict sense, the profitable yields a benefit, but if this benefit is small, the enterprise will not be considered as profitable.

The rating of profitable on a business or trade can also change with time, according to the variations of economic conditions.