3 Top Features to Consider in a Currency Counter


If you are in the money business, a currency counter is one of the tools you don’t want to miss. This technology has grown rapidly over the past several years, presenting consumers with overwhelming options. Choosing can therefore be a bit tricky.

Money counting machines come in various qualities and quantities to meet specific needs. The right choice begins by determining whether you need the machine for personal or business use.

There are many other features to look at. Today, we will be looking at the three most crucial factors.

1. Size Vs. Weight

Before deciding to get a currency counter, you must know where to put it. Perhaps it’s in your office or on a table in your house. As such, size and weight matter a lot.

Look at how much space you have in your office. If you have a small and cramped space, a compact currency counter should be fit enough. And if you will be moving a lot, pick a portable and lightweight machine.

For those with enough space and a lot of bills to work with, it would be best to go in full. You might find a good deal on a large machine with full features.

2. Counting Speed Vs. Hopper Capacity

Here is another feature that you can always pay attention to. The main reason for getting a currency counter is to count more money in less time, which is why speed matters a lot. More money means you need more power and hence, more speed.

It all depends on your business. If you work in a currency exchange business where you need to count a large volume of bills fast, choose a machine with the highest counting speed. Luckily, most currency counters have automatic speed settings where you can choose the rate you want.

Whereas the counter speed handles the calculating rate, the hopper capacity concerns gauging volume. Also, depending on your specific needs, you want something that can handle enough volume at any given time. A typical counter can take 300 bills, while heavy-duty ones can hold up to 500 bills.  Also, consider front vs. back loaded hoppers – front is most preferred for performance.

3. Currency Detection vs. Mixed Denomination

A good currency counter must be able to detect multiple currencies. This feature is most important if you are in a business where you deal with a lot of international customers. Your counter should accurately count and organize various currencies.

The most advanced currency counters offer automatic detection between currencies. Other have value count features that allow the user to preset the values and count specific currencies.

A good currency counter should sort your bills according to the denomination. Standard counters require the user to presort the bills in 1s, 5s, 10s, and so on. But automatic currency counter machines like these will detect the bills according to values and count them accordingly.


A currency counter can save you time and money where fast bill counting is required. Hence, finding a machine that meets your specific needs is crucial. Consider the three main features above, and you will have a perfect counter.