The 3 Tools You Need for Business Improvement in 2020


Business Improvement in 2020

Business Improvement in 2020, Are you always wondering how your competition seems to grow their business with sales and conversions? Do you think about growing your business but put the idea on hold until later due to cost or time restrictions? Chances are, the answer is, “yes” to at least one of those questions. There are hundreds of thousands of tools available to improve and grow your business – but many of them only offer empty promises. Luckily, there are several of these tools that are legitimate, cost-friendly, and won’t take weeks, months, or years to implement. 

The 3 Tools You Need for Business Improvement in 2020

We’re going to tell you about three tools that you should consider using to improve and grow your business in 2020, keep reading for more information!

VoIP Phone Services

Choosing to use a VoIP phone service is more than just simply opting to not have a regular landline phone line: these services allow you to use your internet connection to make phone calls to and from anywhere in the world. 

Aside from the fact that you can make and receive calls worldwide, VoIP phones are easy to learn to use and offer crystal clear transmission. Additionally, you can forward calls from your office to your cell phone. This means you don’t have to hand out your personal cell phone number for people to reach you and you can step away from your business’ location without fear of missing important calls or paying someone to man the phones. 

Because these phone services use the internet to make and receive calls, there is no need for multiple business lines which will also save your company the money that would otherwise be spent on a phone bill. 

Because there are so many companies that offer this service and so many features to choose from, it is wise to research your VoIP options before making a decision. One of the best ways to compare and contrast the features you desire versus the ones you don’t need it to read a VoIP phone service buyer’s guide

Choosing to use a buyer’s guide will give you a better idea of the features each company offers so that you can choose a VoIP service based on your current needs without paying for options your business doesn’t need or won’t use. It will also give you a complete idea of possibilities and uses for this type of service.

Data Warehouses & ETL

A data warehouse is where your business stores all of its historical data, including information about sales, employees, customers, and inventory. The data stored can later be analyzed to make business decisions about marketing, staffing needs, and inventory control. 

You likely already have some type of data warehouse for your company, but if your data warehouse isn’t extracting the exact information you need, it can become rather useless. To ensure that your data warehouse keeps the information you need, it might be worth looking into the ETL process, or Extract, Transform, and Load. 

The ETL process allows you to have more flexibility with your data and pull information to form reports that may otherwise not be available. This information can be detrimentally important to your business decisions and can have a huge, positive impact on what choices your company makes. 

Finding the right ETL tools can be difficult; there is a wide range of services, abilities, and costs. Your choice will depend on the size of your business, its needs, and the types of information you’d like to obtain. It is also possible that your business doesn’t need or want any type of ETL; you can always opt to use it later or as your business grows. 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software 

Sure, there is a chance that you can manage your business’ relationships with its customers without having specific software to do so. However, opting for a CRM platform will make life far easier for both you and your sales team. 

3 Tools You Need for Business Improvement

When you choose to use CRM software, you are able to manage all interactions with customers – from sales leads all the way to closing the deal. Various platforms will offer different features but the idea is to help your business keep track of any service issues, sales leads, and help your business manage its marketing efforts.

This type of software also allows you the ability to maintain relationships with your suppliers and colleagues, ensuring a smooth operating process from beginning to end. CRM can help you maintain appropriate inventory levels and better understand how to position your business in the marketplace.

Choosing the best CRM software for your business can be tricky. As with most types of software, the more features that are offered. The more the cost will increase. You should consider which features you will most likely use and which will be most helpful for improving your business. For example, if one of the main attributes focuses on using social media metrics and your company’s marketing campaign doesn’t. This won’t be the software for you. 

Regardless of the type of CRM software that you choose, the benefits are undeniable. You will be able to see your business relationships as a whole, your company’s strengths, and weaknesses. And gain insight into how to better your marketing campaigns. This ultimately will allow for new relationships to be formed and existing ones to be further expanded. 

Implementing These Tools

The three tools mentioned above are easy to implement, relatively cost-friendly. Increase conversions/sales, and can help improve the way your business runs. Should you choose to use all three of these tools or opt to focus on one choice. You will soon begin to see some positive changes, whether they are immediate or over time. 

Ideally, you will be able to use all of the tools above into your operations as they can intertwine and work together to positively affect your marketing efforts, better your customer relations and their satisfaction, as well as improve your business as a whole.