7 Marketing Automation Tools To Revamp Your Marketing Strategies


Marketing Automation Tools

Marketing automation is software that handles routine marketing tasks and tracks how your marketing campaigns perform and how many results they generate.

The marketing automation industry is expected to grow from $500 million to $6.4 billion by 2024, so you can imagine that it’s a whole new frontier that you will deal with.


If you are not familiar with the right marketing trends, you may not know which marketing tool to use.

Although ipiratebay lets you download some of these tools, you must learn which ones are the best before you download and implement them into your marketing campaign.

So, let’s get started.

Top 7 Marketing Automation Tools

Using marketing automation tools makes your marketing tasks more efficient and easy. You can handle more errands in less time, and the more you use these tools, the more time you’ll have on your hand to handle other business aspects.

Let’s check the list of the top 7 marketing automation tools here:

1: Sendinblue

It is one of the most affordable marketing automation tools available in the industry right now.

The pricing is reasonable, and you get a lot more features than other automation tools.

Even the deliverability rates are also pretty good on this tool.

It happening as an email marketing tool but has slowly grasped the digital marketing industry over all these years.

2: ActiveCampaign

More than 90000 small business industries use this marketing automation tool, and this tool was the first in the industry to pioneer automation sequencing.

You can imagine how innovative this tool is because starting from 2016 to 2021, it has only included new campaign ideas.

Automation split tests, predictive sending, and predictive content are some of its best features.

With this tool, you can optimize machine learning and give your campaign a new edge.

3: HubSpot

HubSpot’s popularity is out there, so we won’t waste bragging about how user-friendly this tool is.

Although there is a free version available, none of the automation features are present there.

If you have now started your eCommerce business and desire to keep your marketing budget low, this automation tool is perfect for you.

Even if you have no experience in the technical field, you configure out how this tool works in seconds.

4: AutoPilot

If you think all marketing automation tools are more or less the same, AutoPilot will change your perception completely.

You can automate the marketing process with emojis, stickers, and text messages, so as you see, it’s a quirky way to operate a business.

You don’t have to figure out the configurations because this tool does that automatically.

The reporting algorithm is also world-class because it encourages you to set new goals as you accomplish the last one.

5: ConvertKit

Many content creators and bloggers use this tool because it is the simplest to learn and use.

This tool is perfect for engaging users because it lets you send text messages instead of email. This informal approach makes this automation tool even more interesting.

If you are an individual who has just started an online business, this automation tool is the best for you.

Its easy user interface and affordable pricing make the tool popular among beginners.

6: Rejoiner

Unlike other marketing automation tools where you pay a fee and learn how this tool works, Rejoiner shares this burden alongside you.

The tool is pretty intuitive and often recommends certain actions that are good for your campaign.

The SaaS software also makes certain incremental movements good for a beginner business.

This tool has customer satisfaction scores, according to a recent customer survey.

7: Omnisend

This marketing automation tool joined the league in 2014, so you can see it is also a relatively new competitor in the industry.

It has numerous innovative features, and it works on multiple platforms.

This tool only works for eCommerce businesses, and it sends customized templates to users for enhancing user interaction.

No matter which eCommerce platform you use, this tool easily integrates with all of them.


There you go. The list of 7 top marketing automation tools of 2022 is served to you on a silver platter.

We have highlighted all of their best features and some of their drawbacks too. It will help you choose the tool that will work best for your business.

However, reach us in the comment section if you need more information. We will get back to you with an answer in no time.